
Elevate Your Study Habits: 8 Evidence-Based Techniques for Effective Learning

calendar_todaySeptember 20, 2023
Elevate Your Study Habits: 8 Evidence-Based Techniques for Effective Learning

Are you tired of spending hours cramming for tests, only to forget the material shortly after? It’s time to revamp your study habits and revision techniques with evidence-based methods that actually work. Let’s explore eight best study techniques, supported by scientific research and provide guidance on how to implement them effectively. 

1. Spaced Repetition  

Research has shown that a spaced distribution of study repetitions over a period is more effective than ‘massing’ repetitions in a single session.   
Named after its creator, Sebastian Leitner, the Leitner method is a form of spaced repetition, which involves using flashcards or question cards, based on your familiarity with the content. As you successfully recall and answer a card, it moves to a higher-level box. By focusing more on the cards that are challenging and reviewing them at the appropriate and optimal intervals, method ensuring better long-term retention of information. This approach not only reinforces your memory but also helps you prioritise your study material effectively. 

How to Implement Spaced Repetition: Create a study schedule with increasing intervals between review sessions. Consider using tools like automated digital flashcards or scheduling calendar reminders. 
Common mistake: Failing to consistently review and update the flashcards in the designated boxes. It’s crucial to stay disciplined in moving cards based on your performance. Neglecting to do so can lead to inefficient studying and a less effective use of this valuable method. 

2. Retrieval Practice 

The practice of retrieving previously learned information (essentially reactivating inactive stored memories and returning them to the working memory) is a powerful way to enhance learning, strengthen memory, and improve the application of existing knowledge to new situations. 

Retrieval involves testing yourself on the material you’re studying. It may be challenging, but it’s highly effective for improving memory and comprehension. 

How to Implement Active Recall Method: Use flashcards or practice problems to test your knowledge. Try to recall information without looking at your notes. 

3. Pomodoro Study Method  

The Pomodoro Technique has gained widespread popularity for its ability to boost concentration and productivity. Named after the Italian word for “tomato” (inspired by a tomato-shaped kitchen timer), this method encourages structured work intervals followed by short breaks. This approach harnesses the power of time management, helping you stay on track and avoid burnout. The Pomodoro Technique is particularly helpful when dealing with tasks that require sustained focus, like reading, research, or problem-solving. By breaking your study sessions into manageable segments, you can maintain a high level of engagement and make the most of your study time. 

How to Implement the Pomodoro Study Method: Typically, you work for 25 minutes (known as a “Pomodoro”) and then take a 5-minute break. After completing four Pomodoros, take a longer break, typically 15-30 minutes.  
Common mistake: Failing to adapt the intervals to your personal preferences and energy levels. While the standard 25-minute work and 5-minute break intervals work well for many people, they may not be ideal for everyone. Some individuals may find that they are most productive during shorter or longer work periods. It’s essential to experiment and adjust the Pomodoro intervals to align with your natural rhythms and attention span. Additionally, it’s crucial to use the breaks effectively by stepping away from your study area, stretching, and relaxing briefly rather than engaging in distracting activities. 

4. Elaboration 

Elaboration involves intentionally connecting pre-existing knowledge with new information in order to create a deeper understanding and better retention of a given material. It involves explaining concepts in-depth to solidify your understanding. Generate questions, cross-reference ideas, and relate new material to your personal experiences and prior knowledge. 

Common Mistake: Avoid overextending elaboration, as it can lead to confusion. 

5. Interleaving 

Interleaving means switching between topics during study sessions. This technique is particularly helpful for subjects like maths and science, as it encourages finding connections between ideas and subjects. 

How to Implement Interleaving: Shift between topics consciously and try different orders. It helps combat burnout and boredom and helps you keep motivated. For example, in a maths study session, students could interleave different problem types, such as adding, multiplying, and dividing fractions, or calculating the volume of different 3D shapes (as opposed to a single shape). 

Common Mistake: Avoid switching too often or spending excessive time on one topic. 

6. Concrete Examples 

Use concrete examples to grasp complex concepts. Find relevant examples that illustrate the principles you’re learning and deeply understand their connection. Providing supporting information can significantly enhance your ability to learn and comprehend key ideas and concepts. 

How to Implement Concrete Examples: Collect or create examples that accurately reflect the concept or principle you’re studying. 

Common Mistake: Ensure examples are accurate and relevant to avoid reinforcing misconceptions. 

7. Dual Coding 

Dual coding involves using multiple forms of media to learn the same concept. Research suggests that combining text, visuals, and diagrams (‘codes’) when learning has independent and additive/complementary effects on memory recall. 

How to Implement Dual Coding: Actively explain concepts in your own words while creating visuals. This practice aids in active learning and provides valuable study resources. 

Common Mistake: Avoid passive review; aim to recreate visuals from memory. 

8. SQ3R Strategy  

When it comes to tackling dense textbooks or lengthy study materials, the SQ3R strategy is an invaluable tool. SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review.  

This systematic approach helps you break down complex texts into manageable chunks. SQ3R not only improves comprehension but also encourages active engagement with the text, making it an effective study technique for tackling extensive reading assignments. 

How to implement: Begin by surveying the material, skimming headings, subheadings, and summaries to get an overview. Then, formulate questions based on what you need to understand from the reading. As you delve into the content, actively read while searching for answers to your questions. After each section, recite what you’ve learned in your own words, reinforcing your understanding. Finally, review the material periodically to solidify your knowledge.  

Common Mistake: Rushing through the “Survey” phase too quickly or neglecting it altogether. Some students may skim over headings and summaries without fully grasping the structure and key points of the material. 


These effective study techniques can transform your learning experience. Say goodbye to cramming and hello to efficient, long-lasting knowledge retention. Incorporate these active revision methods into your study routine and watch your academic performance improve.