
How much are classes on LessonWise?

calendar_todayNovember 6, 2023
How much are classes on LessonWise?

Tutors for Every Budget

LessonWise is dedicated to unlocking students’ potential through high-quality education with expertly vetted tutors, all at a fraction of the cost of traditional tutoring. Whether you choose 1-to-1 sessions or our group tutoring solutions, the impact is profound. On average, our students increase their grades by two grade boundaries and get into their top university choice.

How much are group lessons and how do they work?

At LessonWise, we understand that budget considerations are important, and we offer various options to accommodate different financial needs.

We provide public online group sessions in certain key academic subjects, as a cost-effective alternative, starting at an average of £35-40 per month. For larger groups, accommodating up to 100 participants, the price can be as low as £2 per person, per session.

  • All group courses are led by an experienced, patient and enthusiastic tutor, who are experts in their subjects
  • Sessions last between 60-90mins long
  • Homework and tasks are provided in between each session
  • Regular feedback loop and mock assessments

Alternatively, if you wish to share the price of a lesson with a friend, we highly welcome bespoke private group tuition too. Feel free to reach out to us to discuss pricing and the best option for your needs! Enquire Now