11 Plus tutors for entrance exams

97% of our students have been admitted to their target schools. Give your child the best chance to be admitted to their dream school with our tailored 11+ tuition.

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Some of the Schools Our Pupils Have Been Admitted Into 

  • Grammar Schools

    • Trafford consortium grammar school
    • Aylesbury grammar school
    • ⁠King Edward VI grammar School (CSSE consortium)
    •  ⁠Bexley grammar school 
    • Tiffin school
    • Sutton grammar school (SET)
    • Woodford county high school
  • Independent Schools

    • Sevenoaks School
    • Brighton College
    • ⁠Roedean School
    • ⁠Kings College Taunton
    • Farringtons school
    • Manchester Grammar School
    • ⁠d’Overbroeck’s Oxford
    • Oundle

A Comprehensive 11+ Programme, Designed by Qualified Teachers

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    Verbal Reasoning:

    • Description: Verbal reasoning is the ability to understand, analyse, and draw logical conclusions from a piece of written or spoken information. It involves comprehending the words themselves and how the words, sentences, and passages relate together to form a concept.
    • Topics Covered: Statement logic, codes, pairs, sequences, cloze, synonyms and antonyms, anagrams, and more.
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    Non-verbal Reasoning:

    • Description: The non-verbal Reasoning exam involves visually solving problems containing shapes, symbols, or characters instead of words. Some exam boards also use letters and codes.
    • Topics Covered: 2D and 3D shapes, patterns, matrices, rotations and reflections, nets and cubes, following folds, and more.
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    • Description: The 11+ English syllabus covers topics like comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and creative writing to assess a student's language skills.
    • How We Help: Practise writing in different styles e.g. to persuade, narrate, explain, describe etc, and practice story titles which tend to re-occur in 11+ exams. Once your child is confident at tackling each of the English topics then move on to mixed practice papers (timed) and practise, practise, practise!
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    • Description: Most 11+ maths exams include the topics taught on the national curriculum up to the end of Year 5. Some 11 + exams include content taught in early Year 6.
    • How We Help: 11+ tests are meant to be challenging, so it's normal for your child to come across questions they're not familiar with. This is where we come in and provide in-depth knowledge on numbers, ratio and proportion, measurement, geometry, data, algebra.
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Find an 11+ Tutor

Our 11+ tutors have helped numerous students in gaining entrance to some of the best grammar schools and private schools in the country. All tutors are qualified teachers with extensive classroom experience with a QTS or PGCE. Our 11+ tutors draw on years of experience preparing pupils for this pivotal exam and are therefore able to craft a tuition programme that is suited to every pupils' exact needs.

  • Ryan pic
    8+ years teaching

    I am a former Head of Reading, Head of Maths and current Head of English and Key Stage One at my primary school. I have over 8 years of teaching experience, including 4 years as a private tutor in common entrance exam preparation.

    My classroom and tutoring experience provide me with expert, current subject knowledge in English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning, which I utilise to support students online globally with common entrance exams across the UK and the US.

  • Amaka
    20 courses given

    I'm a first-class law graduate with 6 years of tutoring experience, specializing in English for children at a tuition centre and online, including 11+ preparation. I find joy in seeing students discover the beauty of the English language. As part of the National Tutoring Programme, I'm dedicated to online education, fostering curiosity, and emphasising the value of asking questions. Outside of tutoring, I love reading, running, the theatre, and spending time in nature.

  • Phil pic
    114 lessons given

    I'm an Environmental Science graduate with a PGCE from the University of Birmingham. With 20 years of teaching experience, I excel in achieving outstanding results, particularly in science and maths for 11+ and 13+ Common Entrance exams. Since 2010, I've tutored in Maths and Science, focusing on 11+ Common Entrance exams for schools like City of London, Dulwich, and Winchester. I bring calmness and patience to ensure students excel and are well-prepared for exams.

  • Tayyaba
    3+ years tutoring

     I'm Dara and I specialise in Early Childhood Education and Studies including Special Educational Needs. I have worked in educational settings for over 6 years and have been a tutor online and offline for over 3 years helping students of all ages and abilities achieve their educational goals and develop their skills. I specifically taught children with ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia as well as those with behavioural issues where I catered learning to their needs, abilities and learning styles. I tutor Primary Education and 11+ to all abilities allowing children to succeed and gain access to schools of their choices. I am also TEFL qualified where I can teach English as a Foreign Language to all.

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Still thinking things over? Gain a thorough understanding of the exam's structure and content, including verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, mathematics, and English comprehension by watching one of our free webinar sessions.

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